samedi, décembre 13, 2008

When God takes control !

Oh my Godness ! I am so happy ! Jesus take the control of my life, and I successed all projects. Jesus power is wonderful. Oh yeah ! trust me my friend, give you life to Jesus and he will find solutions for you. No difficulties only happyness.
Oh Jesus you are sooooooo good my lord. When I tasted life with you, I saw the difference. It is incredible, my life change in only 2 months, I get a new job, I get a new house and I am sure 2 months more and I will got a good love....oh yes sit down and look ! Cause Jesus give me strengh and give me his love. I always trust my lord but I never expect so much ! When he take the control there are not driving mistakes cause only God can drive your life like that.... And I know that it is just the beginning. And I know that all my dreams will change in reality.
Give you life to Jesus and you never be disapointed again !
Thank you my God, Thank you very much, you give me soooo much and I really appreciate it.
Thanks lord, forever.

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